Severe Cystic Acne Treatments That Work – A Sebacia Acne Treatment Case Study
Note: *Sebacia Acne Treatment is no longer available. Please see our Acne Treament Page for alternatives.
Acne is the most common skin disorder in the United States, affecting an estimated 85 percent of adolescents. For many teenagers and adults, acne is a skin condition that is often just a nuisance, but in some cases, the acne is severe enough to cause scarring and can negatively affect a person’s self-image.
As a board-certified dermatologist, I treat many patients with various types of acne from the most basic to the most severe forms that cause scaring, including;
- Comedonal Acne – clogged pores
- Inflammatory Acne – whiteheads, blackheads and pimples (more common in men)
- Cystic Acne – when infections penetrate deeply into the skin, causing red bumps which are often painful.
- Hormonal-Onset Acne – occurs in women when estrogen levels decline
It’s important for acne sufferers, whether they are teenagers or adults, to know that there are various acne treatments based on the type and severity of acne you have. At BAXT CosMedical®, located in Paramus, NJ, we offer customized acne treatments that not only addresses current acne outbreaks but also help reduce future outbreaks by promoting healthy skin.
We offer all types of acne treatments including prescription creams and medications, chemical peels, Intense Pulsed Light, Photodynamic Therapy, Smoothbeam Laser, Isolaz® treat acne at the root cause of the acne to kill bacteria and unclog pores, or control hormonal breakouts.
We also offer the Sebacia Acne Treatment System that treats various types of acne in ways other laser systems can’t. Sebacia microparticles selectively targets the sebaceous (oil-producing) glands. For those patients with scaring from acne, we offer cosmetic treatments help to reduce scarring; such as lasers (V-Beam Perfecta and chemical peels.
I advise my patients that since each patient’s skin is different, care must be exercised in treating acne. A precise diagnosis and a customized acne treatment plan must be developed to effectively and optimally treat acne. During your consultation we will review all prior treatments of any kind, discuss your history, acne triggers, and do a physical examination.
THERE IS HOPE! Let’s take a look at a patient who recently came into my practice with a severe care cystic acne.

A 38-year old female that had suffered from acne breakouts for years. Patient had maintained her acne breakouts with chemical peels and oral and topical medication. Dr. Rebecca Baxt recommended Sebacia. The after photo reflects 6 months from her last Sebacia treatment. The patient states that she had only one pimple during the course of treatments and has now been free of acne breakouts for 6 months. Read case study below.
Case Study – Cystic Acne Treated with Medications, Chemical Peels, and Sebacia
“This Treatment is Amazing so far! I will recommend Sebacia to anyone that has been struggling with cystic acne. I’ve never tried anything that would totally clear my acne completely, and this treatment Did! Thank You! Dr. Rebecca Baxt for giving me the chance to try this life changing treatment!”
– L.P. (Actual Patient 09/22/2020)
Patient LP, a 38-year old woman, had been suffering from cystic acne for 20 years. She saw many different dermatologists and expressed her skepticism that I could help her during our initial consultation. Her face was swollen and covered in painful cystic acne.
While taking her medical history and conducting a physical examination of her skin, I reassured her that I could help. The first step was to order a blood test to determine if her acne was genetic or hormonal. She expressed her surprise as none of the dermatologists she had previously seen ordered a blood test. After confirmation that LP’s acne was hormonal, I prescribed an acne treatment including, Benzoyl Peroxide, Retin A, and Spironolactone.
LP continued with this course of treatment for a few months and her swelling and acne began to dramatically improve. During a follow up visit, she stated, “Wow what a difference, I feel like a different person! My acne had improved so much, that I had almost forgotten how I look.”
The next step was help her improve her acne scarring with a series of chemical peels. The peels markedly improved the scars and she reported fewer monthly breakouts.
While LP was happy with her acne treatment and the appearance of her skin, I wanted to further reduce her breakouts and improve the texture of her skin. I recommended a new and innovative laser/light skin treatment system that delivers a formulation of gold microparticles which is then heated with a laser. The targeted heating treats the underlying cause of acne which results in fewer acne lesions and smoother, softer and more healthy skin over time.
LP received 3 Sebacia acne treatments in 2 weeks and reported no pain and no downtime.
“Right away after the treatment my skin felt supper soft! I haven’t felt my skin that soft in years. About a month after the treatment was completed [sic] I had one pimple, after 3 months I had Zero pimples and my face was less oily than before the treatments.”
– L.P. (Actual Patient 09/22/2020)
LP comes in for periodic visits and after 10 months from her first Sebacia treatment she reports that her face is clear with no acne breakouts.
“This Treatment is Amazing so far! I will recommend Sebacia to anyone that has been struggling with cystic acne. I’ve never tried anything that would totally clear my acne completely, and this treatment Did! Thank You! Dr. Rebecca Baxt for giving me the chance to try this life changing treatment!”
– L.P. (Actual Patient 09/22/2020)
If you are struggling with your acne, you don’t need to anymore. Contact BAXT CosMedical® to set up a personalized acne consultation today. Call (201) 265-1300.
Note: *Sebacia Acne Treatment is no longer available. Please see our Acne Treament Page for alternatives.