Acne & Acne Scarring Treatments
Serving the Bergen County and Tri-State Area
“After 2 years of seeing multiple dermatologists who were unable to ward off my acne, I went to see Dr. Rebecca Baxt. Within weeks I began seeing results, and a year later I am acne free. I cannot stress enough how grateful I am for Dr. Baxt’s care.”
Raquel M.
*Actual patients. Results may vary and are not guaranteed.
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This 18-year-old female consulted with Dr. Rebecca Baxt to discuss her cystic hormonal acne. Dr. Baxt recommended a customized treatment plan of oral antibiotics, topical medications, and chemical peels. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the patient was only able to have 1 chemical peel in-office prior to closing in-person appointments. The patient proceeded with the recommended topical and oral regiment and followed up with Dr. Baxt via Telederm appointments during quarantine. The ‘after’ photo reflects her results 7 months after the start of treatment.
Acne is one of the most common skin conditions in the United States, affecting upwards of 50 million Americans yearly! At BAXT CosMedical®, located in Paramus, NJ, our board-certified Dermatologist treats all types of acne and acne scarring for a range of patients, including adolescents and adults. Acne is an equal opportunity skin condition affecting all ethnicities, skin types, and both sexes.
You don’t have to live with acne and be satisfied with trying to just cover it up. Dr. Rebecca Baxt specializes in treating acne and acne scarring with a variety of medical treatments, laser treatments, light source treatments, chemical peels, and other skincare products and treatments to promote healthy and clear skin.
If you are suffering from acne, from the most basic to the most severe forms that cause scarring, we can help!
Acne Treatments & Acne Scar Treatments That Work
“My son’s acne is so much better with the regimen Dr Baxt prescribed. My son is much happier with his appearance!!”
Acne & Acne Scarring Treatments
Laser & Light Energy
Listen to Dr. Baxt’s Podcast on Acne
Acne Fast Facts…Types of Acne
Acne is a very common skin condition involving the oil glands at the base of hair follicles. While acne isn’t a dangerous skin condition, it can leave scars and negatively affect self-esteem.
Effectively treating acne begins with an accurate diagnosis of the type of acne you are suffering from and what treatments you have previously used.
Some of the types of acne conditions include:
- Comedonal Acne – clogged pores
- Inflammatory Acne – whiteheads, blackheads and pimples (more common in men)
- Cystic Acne – when infections penetrate deeply into the skin, causing red bumps which are often painful.
- Hormonal-Onset Acne – occurs in women when estrogen levels decline.
The next step is to determine a customized treatment protocol that addresses your specific type of acne.
(Learn more about acne)
Acne Fast Facts…Types of Acne Treatments
“I tried everything. BAXT CosMedical® Acne Kit level two is the only thing that has worked for me. I’m so happy. My skin is clear! My Botox also looks Amazing!”
R.B., 47-year-old male
*Actual patients. Results may vary and are not guaranteed.
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This 28-year-old female suffered from acne for the past 6 years. The patient did not want to take any oral medication. Dr. Baxt proceeded with a chemical peel and a combination of prescription and topical medications to treat the patient’s acne. The after photo shows the results of one chemical peel treatment and 1-month usage of topical medications.
It’s important for acne sufferers, whether they are teenagers or adults, to know that there are various acne treatments based on the type and severity of acne you have. The treatment plan must be customized to the specific type of acne, the degree and frequency of the outbreaks, and the patient’s lifestyle. Dr. Rebecca Baxt will recommend customized acne treatments that not only address current acne outbreaks but also help reduce future outbreaks by promoting healthy skin.
At BAXT CosMedical®, your customized treatment plan may include some of the following treatments: prescription creams and medications, chemical peels, Intense Pulsed Light, Photodynamic Therapy, Smoothbeam Laser, and Isolaz®, designed to treat acne at the root cause in order to kill bacteria and unclog pores, or control hormonal breakouts.
Acne Scarring Fast Facts…Types of Acne Scars
Acne scars on the face, chest, and back are very common skin conditions that Dr. Baxt sees in her practice. Some types of acne are more likely to cause scarring than others. For example, a simple whitehead or blackhead typically will not cause scarring. But inflammatory or cystic acne can cause noticeable scarring.
Also, some acne patients may be prone to scarring due to:
- Family history or genetics
- Lack of early treatment
- Picking or causing trauma to the skin
There are different types of acne scarring, including atrophic or depressed scarring and more significant scars called hypertrophic or keloid scars. Each type of scar requires a specific treatment to minimize the appearance of the scar. The descriptions of the type of scars include:
- Ice pick: This type of acne scar resembles an ice pick as there is hole that’s wide at the top and narrows to a point as it goes deeper into the skin.
- Rolling: This type of acne scar has indentations that makes the skin look uneven.
- Boxcar: Boxcar scars are seen deep into the skin as indentations.
Hypertrophic or keloid scars are more significant scar tissue that rises off the skin. These scars are typically painful, tender, and/or itchy.
Acne Scarring Fast Facts…Types of Treatment
*Actual patients. Results may vary and are not guaranteed.
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This 32-year-old female was bothered by acne scarring over her entire face. Dr. Rebecca Baxt recommended 3 treatments of Fraxel® laser and injected Juvéderm® Ultra XC to the deep lines in this area. The after results are 4 weeks post her last Fraxel® and filler treatment. The patient was very pleased with the smoothing of her scars.
Today, there are a number treatment options that effectively treat acne scars. These treatments include: laser and light energy devices (Fraxel®, Intense Pulsed Light, Photodynamic Therapy, Smoothbeam Laser, Isolaz®), skin treatments (chemical peels, microneedling), Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), and facial fillers. Dr. Rebecca Baxt will recommend the appropriate treatment option(s) after she examines your skin and scarring type.
Unmatched Expert Acne Treatments & Acne Scarring Treatments
At BAXT CosMedical® Cosmetic and Medical Dermatology Laser Surgery Center, we deliver outstanding patient care and excellent customer service with the best technology available. We provide honest consultations and natural results.
*Results may vary for different patients and are not guaranteed.
Request your consultation by contacting us online or by calling 201-265-1300 today.
Let our family treat your family, a legacy you can trust!
Rebecca Baxt, M.D., M.B.A, F.A.A.D.